Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 9 – Bethlehem, Calvary Communion & Garden Tomb

In some ways I can’t believe this journey is coming to an end. It’s 5:30 and I just got back in the room after another unforgettable day. I need to journal the last place first because it so fresh in my mind and heart.
Our adventure here in Israel began in Caesarea where Peter first preached the gospel to Gentiles and it ended in the Garden Tomb where we could reflect on Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection.

 John 20: 8 “He saw and believed.”

Is it possible not to believe after seeing with our eyes what the Lord has given us to see? Yes it is because it is only by grace that we are saved and our eyes can be open. No historical site that we visited questioned Biblical accuracy; the questions were only of things we did not know YET.  I am so grateful that I didn’t wait one more day to see, touch, feel, what I have been reading, hearing and believing. Before I came to Israel I believed with all of my heart and soul that Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again for my sins but now I go home with my story and when I teach my children and the kids of the Good News Club, I can show them my Footsteps Of Israel.

Throughout history two things have caused great divide, politics and religion. I’m not going to go into all the things we learned and experienced today but, I will say, today helped us to understand why “religion” is and, will continue to be the root of all wars. Religion claims truth but, the only one that can claim truth is God and His Word. Choosing anything but LOVE, will always cause wars. The answers to “where,” “what,” “when.” will never be fully answered but the greatest thing for Christians is that it doesn’t matter that we know EXACT locations,  time or chains of events,  the only thing we really need to be sure of is that we were standing at an  empty tomb and…

Besides the skull-like appearance of a limestone bluff, a tomb and a garden that is located on the largest water systems 2,000 years ago, they can’t confirm the burial site of Jesus because there has been earthquakes and factors that may have disrupted the stone wall so it is possible that it is not original.  After going to the church in Bethlehem (see picture) that is said to be the burial place and there are shrines to show us, I believe Jesus was buried in the Gardens because I felt the presence of Him and the Holy Spirit was so alive that people of other tour groups stopped and listened to our Bible lesson, our worship and finally our communion.
Skull-like limestone rock in the Garden Tomb. 

This trip was life changing and I will never forget it. I know even more what it’s like to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. Thank you Bonnie and Pastor Bob. I know speak for every person in our group when I say that your leadership and ministry is unwavering conviction and truth. I will cherish the 2 little lambs you gave me at Abraham’s Tent. Annie and Emma love the Lord and one day they will be able to do what I have. I love you so much and pray for God’s protection and blessing over you and your families always.

Claire & Tami going through a small door to the
Church of Nativity

We waited here for 30 minutes while the morning worship
in the lower room where the birth place of Jesus is said to be.

Bethlehem, over looking pastures and fields that the fields that the
Bible talks about where Jesus was born.
If we looked carefully we could see sheep grazing in the pasture
This is one of many caves in Bethlehem and according to the scriptures
Christians believe is more likely to be the location and the
setting of the birth place of Jesus

When the Bible says the Inn was full, in Greek it means "guest room"
so the Inn Keeper more likely offered the only other place they had available which was where
 the animals were kept at night to keep safe.
Humble worship area near the birthplace of Jesus
Bethlehem is under Palestinian rule
This a mural that is on the wall as you leave the check point 

Another part of the mural

City of David
When King David saw Bathsheeba in her home he looked
over down into this city from the Temple

The Bethlehem Wall (top right)
Since Israel built the wall there has not been a single suicide bombing

This door demonstrates that Jews and Arabs can live together in peace if they choose to.
One side is crafted by a Jew and the other by an Arab

The dungeon that Jesus was kept before going before the
High Priest Commissioner. At the end of Bob's Bible message, the light went out and we sat in the dark .
It was so moving and we felt the pain it in our souls.
Spike played a song before we left

Steps that Jesus walked up these stairs to Golgotha where he was crucified

We will

Garden Tomb

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant Sian, just brilliant, love you, miss you, safe travels home.
