Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 4 – Beth Shean, Gideon Springs & Qumran

Ok, besides the day I got married, the day Annie was born and the day Emma was born, this was the most memorable and epic day of my life. It’s hard to blog about because the events touched me so personally and deeply. So even though I am trying to keep my blogging to each day’s sites and events today I was just more than that.

8am, the bus rolls out, when Horizon hears Bob’s whistle we all know to shake a leg. Today we passed over the Jordan River towards the city of Jericho. David pointed out on the way the very first Kibbutz in the entire world, established in 1909. Our first destination today was Beth Shean. When Saul and his 3 sons died On Mt Gilboa (mountaintop directly above the Roman city of Beth Shean), the Philistine victors carried their decapitated bodies to Beth-shan and hung them on the city wall to humiliate the Israelites. My goodness, it is such a trip to be standing where such atrocities against human life took place. After we got off the Bus Spike played again and Bob gave us another epic bible study (1Samuel 31- Death of King Saul). The scriptures of Saul tell us that when he was King the flesh and his desires controlled him. Pastor Bob told us that the city of Beth Shean represents the battle between spirit and flesh. A battle that is was fierce from the beginning of times and still today is a battle we face daily.  

After we were let loose to experience the site at Beth Shean Tami and I strolled our way to the 7,000 seat, mostly original, amphitheatre where, the Romans entertained themselves with gladiator fights and other spectacles of death. It was one of the most amazing experiences for me. Spike was on the ground of the theatre singing worship songs and then he sang “How Great Thou Art” and the Acoustics made the song so angelic; I felt so close to Jesus and I actually felt Him lifting me up and hearing my deepest prayer. My Mom told me 4 weeks ago tomorrow that she had cancer in her bladder. When she told me she made sure I was supported by Pastor Steve but it was still earth shattering just to hear that word “cancer” and my precious Mom. She assured me that it is very localized and small and 100% curable. She began her first treatment that Thursday and God just knew that I needed extra prayer because Tami invited me a few weeks earlier to her Bible study and it started at 9am that Thursday, the same time my Mom had her first therapy session. Anyway, standing there today on the steps of Beth Shean’s theatre, I was overwhelmed with the power of God. My Mom has been such a faithful servant, so steadfast in her faith all of her life that it gave me so much peace to know He was personally with her and that she has so much more to do for His glory. I’m not sure if any of you have read the 3 books of Francine River’s Trilogy book set but, still to this day those stories impact me like no other story. The books are historical fiction but the main character of all 3 books was a woman named Hudessa and reading about Hadassah’s life brings vivid images of how my Mom has lived her life. I think she would have been like Hadassah in Roman times. Anyway, Tami took a picture of me lifting my arms in praise and worship so I thought if I shared the picture I had to explain it; I’m not just a weird Christian, even though I do that at church when the Holy Spirit leads me, it was a special moment in my life.

Mom, thanks for your email this morning.
“Yesterday was my 5th treatment and went well with my usual treatment with Iris at 3pm as a follow up. I have been busy today and feeling good. Thank Pastor Bob for his concern and his prayers, I believe I will be cured if I haven’t been cured already!!!”

I don’t worry anymore Mom, you have taught me to trust in God and He will do everything else. I love you Mom

Next stop, Gideon Springs (Judges 7)  Gideon Springs was the site that Pastor Bob offered anyone who would like to be baptized an opportunity. I was baptized as baby and when Annie was 8 months old we baptized her and I confirmed my faith but, it was in a church and at the time my relationship was distant and my knowledge in the Lord was shallow. I watched a few baptisms at Moonlight Beach and family camp last year and I had a great desire to be baptized but never felt the pull to initiate making it happen. Today was the most beautiful, peaceful place so far and after Beth Shean the excitement was great. Tami had never been baptized and she really wanted to but shared some reservation in the morning on the bus trip. I suggested she should leave the decision to God. If it were the right time and place she would know it. Tami was baptized after me then our new friend Bob and our young friend Claire and about 10 others. After each baptism we stayed in the water wading, hugging and watching the next person to display their faith and pledge to let Jesus take control. Pastor Bob reminded us that baptism does not save us but, accepting Jesus in our hearts saves us and the act of baptism is the public display of our faith. It was incredible.

It was an interesting drive from Gideon Springs to Qumran. We went from lush, green landscape to desert. As we traveled along the scenery looked so much like many areas of Mexico. The majority of people that live in these areas are Arabs because it is very close to the Jordan/Israeli border. David explained that Jericho is like an Oasis and is part of Israel but under Palestinian rule so we will not be visiting the city. He told us to notice as we drive closer towards Jericho the terrain gets greener and the soli gets richer. It is so amazing because Jericho is a city that goes back to the Stone Age and Neolithic periods. Jericho is the place where Jesus broke bread with the tax collector and said “Man cannot live on bread alone.” Also very close to the city of Jericho is the site that John the Baptist baptized Jesus.

Our stop in Quran was pretty uneventful, our first stop that was a typical tourist stop. Lunch and shopping. All of us were ready to go after a short visit but Pastor Bob said that we were staying there for a longer period of time because our hotel on the Dead Sea would not let us check in until after 4pm.  We’re on the bus now headed to our hotel, which Pastor Bob says is awesome. We have a day off tomorrow to do whatever we want. Tami and I are looking forward to sleeping in, going to the spa and floating in the Dead Sea. All the things I heard about the Sea is fascinating so I am so excited to get there to walk on water!!! If anybody in our group could walk on water it would be Pastor Bob, I am so grateful to him and his wife Bonnie for their leadership.

The Hotel is AWESOME! Our room looks right over the Dead Sea. Right after we checked in we threw our suits on and Tami, Claire and I went down to the spa, booked a hot rock massage and laid in the baths until we were called for our appointments. I would not believe it if I didn’t experience it. It bath temperature and the water was pumped in directly from the Dead Sea. You literally lay and float. The water is so buoyant that you have to give a lot of effort to bring your knees down to stand when you’re floating on your belly.  So cool.

Ok, Tami just fell asleep so I need to join her. Day off tomorrow so we are sleeping in and no blog tomorrow. Thanks for all the messages to everybody that is following; it’s been fun writing letters to my family and blessing others at the same time.

I love you Greggy, girls, Mom, Dad and you…

Sea of Galilee

Beth Shean's 7,000 seat Amphitheatre

Spike breaks out the guitar and rocks out the theatre,
everybody is singing!

Thank you Jesus

Bob, great, great guy. Mom you know Bob from John 9,

One of my favorite pictures

Indescribable moments

"Let go and let God fully take over"

Tami & Pastor Bob

Pastor Mike & Steve help me in

Add caption

Sat, March 26, 2011

The water was so warm and clear I didn't want to get out.
I swam about 15 lengths of the lake.
What a day!!!


  1. Thank you for sharing, Sian.. Love reading about your journey! Everyone who reads and sees facebook posts has "Israel Envy", I assure you! Treasure each moment.. soon they'll be memories, but you'll never be the same! So delighed for all you are experiencing. love you, Friend.

  2. Wow Sian what amazing journey you are on... I can feel your excitement and joy through your words! I really enjoy reading your blog...Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. I really want to talk to you when you get home ...I need your help with something. Enjoy the rest of your time in the "holy land"! I am praying for your mom too...she is going to make a full recovery! I love you, XOXO, Windi
