Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 10- Going Home

I set out to journal my trip because I wanted to share with my family exactly where I was in the world and what I was doing each day. This blog has taken on a whole life of itself. Even though it’s the first time blogging or writing any kind of journal, it hasn’t been a chore at all, to the contrary, it’s been a joy and a great blessing to write each day
Visiting Israel has been an unforgettable, life-changing journey but I am so ready to come home. Tami and I flipped on the news a few times to see the new developments happening in the world. Crazy and tumultuous times but, funny thing, neither Tami nor I feared our safety while we were in Israel. The United States has been Israel’s greatest alie in the world and after understanding and experiencing the country personally, I know why our church supports the Preservation of Israel and leads our congregation to vote in line with political parties’ and candidates’ policies that do not waver nor compromise our country’s support for Israel. With all the wars breaking out, turmoil and natural disasters occurring in the world, Israel needs our continued support and prayers more than ever.

My last thoughts…I believe each of us seek spiritual truth in our lives; but, if you have been reading my journal and you feel a new tugging on your heart to know God more intimately, I pray that you will seek God through his Word. God’s Word (the Bible) is not an opinion it’s truth and God the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit promises to everyone that seeks, finds and receives Him, that he will receive Grace, Mercy and Love and, …Everlasting Life with Him.

Annie and Emma, thanks for being such good girls for Daddy, Dad, I love you, Mom, thank you & Greggy, no words can say…
David Kidrone, this journey was everything and more than I imagined it would be. As a Christian we believe, learn, read and refer to prophecy in the Old Testament of the Bible. I think I can speak for each one of us in our group when I say, your knowledge of Israel’s deep and rich history made this 12-day journey through your country a lifetime experience for growing in our faith and knowledge of the scriptures. When you visit your son in San Diego you have a key to our home.

Tami, we have laughed, cried and prayed so much together this trip but what is really cool we walked where Jesus walked together and that was unforgettable! Tami, I love your big bag, I love your heart and I love you. Thanks so much for encouraging and inviting me to take this trip with you. God is so good and I know He has His plan for both of our lives.

Pastor Steve & Sarah, the saying of “behind every great man is a great woman.” Steve, I am so grateful of your council whenever I have needed it. Thanks to both of you.
Mikey, Pastor Mike, we can all truly call you “Pastor” after your awesome messages at Caesarea Philip and the Pools of Bethesda. Whenever we come to Saturday night church Annie is so blessed by your teachings; brace yourself because Emma will be there next year!
Spike, it was so great to get to know the guy that plays for us each week in church. You always look really cool up there and now I know the guy behind the voice. Thanks for blessings us with your music, it would not have been the same without you.
Claire, "Just" Bob and all the others on in our group, it has been a pleasure to get to know you and it will be so great to see you all at church.
…and again and again, thanks Bonnie and Pastor Bob.
Thanks for following along with me; we walked 158,913 steps. I can’t wait to travel to the Holy Land again and if He leads me…share again.
David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem

Breakfast before heading out

Church of Nativity where it is believed Jesus was born

High Priest speaking to a lower priest

Tami & I at Church of Nativity

Downtown Bethlehem
Jesus wouldn't recognize it today

Cave going town to where Christians believe it was  like the
"manager" where Jesus was born


Garden Tomb

Pastor Bob breaking of the bread

The communion cups were carved by a close friend of Bob's
we all got to keep our cup.
Thank you Jesus

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for creating this. It will be such a great reminder for each of us that went of all the amazing experiences we had in Jerusalem!!
    Elaine Sanders
