Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 10- Going Home

I set out to journal my trip because I wanted to share with my family exactly where I was in the world and what I was doing each day. This blog has taken on a whole life of itself. Even though it’s the first time blogging or writing any kind of journal, it hasn’t been a chore at all, to the contrary, it’s been a joy and a great blessing to write each day
Visiting Israel has been an unforgettable, life-changing journey but I am so ready to come home. Tami and I flipped on the news a few times to see the new developments happening in the world. Crazy and tumultuous times but, funny thing, neither Tami nor I feared our safety while we were in Israel. The United States has been Israel’s greatest alie in the world and after understanding and experiencing the country personally, I know why our church supports the Preservation of Israel and leads our congregation to vote in line with political parties’ and candidates’ policies that do not waver nor compromise our country’s support for Israel. With all the wars breaking out, turmoil and natural disasters occurring in the world, Israel needs our continued support and prayers more than ever.

My last thoughts…I believe each of us seek spiritual truth in our lives; but, if you have been reading my journal and you feel a new tugging on your heart to know God more intimately, I pray that you will seek God through his Word. God’s Word (the Bible) is not an opinion it’s truth and God the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit promises to everyone that seeks, finds and receives Him, that he will receive Grace, Mercy and Love and, …Everlasting Life with Him.

Annie and Emma, thanks for being such good girls for Daddy, Dad, I love you, Mom, thank you & Greggy, no words can say…
David Kidrone, this journey was everything and more than I imagined it would be. As a Christian we believe, learn, read and refer to prophecy in the Old Testament of the Bible. I think I can speak for each one of us in our group when I say, your knowledge of Israel’s deep and rich history made this 12-day journey through your country a lifetime experience for growing in our faith and knowledge of the scriptures. When you visit your son in San Diego you have a key to our home.

Tami, we have laughed, cried and prayed so much together this trip but what is really cool we walked where Jesus walked together and that was unforgettable! Tami, I love your big bag, I love your heart and I love you. Thanks so much for encouraging and inviting me to take this trip with you. God is so good and I know He has His plan for both of our lives.

Pastor Steve & Sarah, the saying of “behind every great man is a great woman.” Steve, I am so grateful of your council whenever I have needed it. Thanks to both of you.
Mikey, Pastor Mike, we can all truly call you “Pastor” after your awesome messages at Caesarea Philip and the Pools of Bethesda. Whenever we come to Saturday night church Annie is so blessed by your teachings; brace yourself because Emma will be there next year!
Spike, it was so great to get to know the guy that plays for us each week in church. You always look really cool up there and now I know the guy behind the voice. Thanks for blessings us with your music, it would not have been the same without you.
Claire, "Just" Bob and all the others on in our group, it has been a pleasure to get to know you and it will be so great to see you all at church.
…and again and again, thanks Bonnie and Pastor Bob.
Thanks for following along with me; we walked 158,913 steps. I can’t wait to travel to the Holy Land again and if He leads me…share again.
David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem

Breakfast before heading out

Church of Nativity where it is believed Jesus was born

High Priest speaking to a lower priest

Tami & I at Church of Nativity

Downtown Bethlehem
Jesus wouldn't recognize it today

Cave going town to where Christians believe it was  like the
"manager" where Jesus was born


Garden Tomb

Pastor Bob breaking of the bread

The communion cups were carved by a close friend of Bob's
we all got to keep our cup.
Thank you Jesus

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 9 – Bethlehem, Calvary Communion & Garden Tomb

In some ways I can’t believe this journey is coming to an end. It’s 5:30 and I just got back in the room after another unforgettable day. I need to journal the last place first because it so fresh in my mind and heart.
Our adventure here in Israel began in Caesarea where Peter first preached the gospel to Gentiles and it ended in the Garden Tomb where we could reflect on Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection.

 John 20: 8 “He saw and believed.”

Is it possible not to believe after seeing with our eyes what the Lord has given us to see? Yes it is because it is only by grace that we are saved and our eyes can be open. No historical site that we visited questioned Biblical accuracy; the questions were only of things we did not know YET.  I am so grateful that I didn’t wait one more day to see, touch, feel, what I have been reading, hearing and believing. Before I came to Israel I believed with all of my heart and soul that Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again for my sins but now I go home with my story and when I teach my children and the kids of the Good News Club, I can show them my Footsteps Of Israel.

Throughout history two things have caused great divide, politics and religion. I’m not going to go into all the things we learned and experienced today but, I will say, today helped us to understand why “religion” is and, will continue to be the root of all wars. Religion claims truth but, the only one that can claim truth is God and His Word. Choosing anything but LOVE, will always cause wars. The answers to “where,” “what,” “when.” will never be fully answered but the greatest thing for Christians is that it doesn’t matter that we know EXACT locations,  time or chains of events,  the only thing we really need to be sure of is that we were standing at an  empty tomb and…

Besides the skull-like appearance of a limestone bluff, a tomb and a garden that is located on the largest water systems 2,000 years ago, they can’t confirm the burial site of Jesus because there has been earthquakes and factors that may have disrupted the stone wall so it is possible that it is not original.  After going to the church in Bethlehem (see picture) that is said to be the burial place and there are shrines to show us, I believe Jesus was buried in the Gardens because I felt the presence of Him and the Holy Spirit was so alive that people of other tour groups stopped and listened to our Bible lesson, our worship and finally our communion.
Skull-like limestone rock in the Garden Tomb. 

This trip was life changing and I will never forget it. I know even more what it’s like to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. Thank you Bonnie and Pastor Bob. I know speak for every person in our group when I say that your leadership and ministry is unwavering conviction and truth. I will cherish the 2 little lambs you gave me at Abraham’s Tent. Annie and Emma love the Lord and one day they will be able to do what I have. I love you so much and pray for God’s protection and blessing over you and your families always.

Claire & Tami going through a small door to the
Church of Nativity

We waited here for 30 minutes while the morning worship
in the lower room where the birth place of Jesus is said to be.

Bethlehem, over looking pastures and fields that the fields that the
Bible talks about where Jesus was born.
If we looked carefully we could see sheep grazing in the pasture
This is one of many caves in Bethlehem and according to the scriptures
Christians believe is more likely to be the location and the
setting of the birth place of Jesus

When the Bible says the Inn was full, in Greek it means "guest room"
so the Inn Keeper more likely offered the only other place they had available which was where
 the animals were kept at night to keep safe.
Humble worship area near the birthplace of Jesus
Bethlehem is under Palestinian rule
This a mural that is on the wall as you leave the check point 

Another part of the mural

City of David
When King David saw Bathsheeba in her home he looked
over down into this city from the Temple

The Bethlehem Wall (top right)
Since Israel built the wall there has not been a single suicide bombing

This door demonstrates that Jews and Arabs can live together in peace if they choose to.
One side is crafted by a Jew and the other by an Arab

The dungeon that Jesus was kept before going before the
High Priest Commissioner. At the end of Bob's Bible message, the light went out and we sat in the dark .
It was so moving and we felt the pain it in our souls.
Spike played a song before we left

Steps that Jesus walked up these stairs to Golgotha where he was crucified

We will

Garden Tomb

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 7-Mt. Of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Western Steps of Gate of Dung (really), Via De La Rosa-First 2 Gates, Pools Of Bethesda, St . Ann’s Church, & Wailing Wall.

3 Sheckles for an unforgettable photo

Our first day in Jerusalem was a very long but UNBELIEVABLE day. You can never imagine the immense emotion and awe that you feel in this city . We went to the Wailing Wall passing through all the markets in the old part of the city. David said that the site is best at night so we went after dinner and it was an incredible site to see. Tami, Claire, and I went with Pastor Steve, and his wife Sarah and Pastor Steve took us through the residential part of the Jewish quarter and we got to have a bird’s eye view of , what is the center of the greatest spiritual battle of the world, The Temple Mount.  Just East and erected high above the Wailing Wall, the Golden Dome (Muslim Mosque built in 1619) is built exactly over the remains of the first and second Temple. The Wailing Wall is the Western wall of the Holy Temple and for the Jews it is the most sacred place to worship God and pray for 3 things, the coming of Messiah,  rebuilding of the Temple and the Resurrection of the Dead.

The Mt Of Olives was our first stop this morning. This site is  sacred and significant to both Jews and Christians and is a place of great joy and prophecy but it is also a place of great pain.  The Mt. of Olives is where one of Jesus’ disciples, Judas, would betray Him but, it is also where Jesus ascended up into heaven after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to His Apostles. The Bible tells us that it is here, the Mt of Olives, the Lord will return in the last days. (Zechariah 14: 4) Below us were thousands of graves that people from all of the world have come to bury their loves ones. Jews believe with the coming Messiah people that are buried in Jerusalem will be guaranteed resurrection. David made us laugh because he said that when Messiah comes he will ask Him if this is the first time or second time he was here.

Pastor Steve delivered a great Bible study. (Mark 13) Steve’s main point was take heed, listen, pay attention…Wake Up! People try to predict “when” the end will come, but Jesus tells us in Mark 13: 32 that no one knows about that day or hour.  Mark 13:28 says  “learn this lesson from the fig tree, when it gets tender and its leaves come out it will be a sign that the return of the Lord is near.” Israel’s fig trees only started to started to grow and sprout after Israel became a nation again in 1947. Wow, when you think of it, it’s only in this generation that Israel  became a nation and its mind blowing when you read all the other prophesies of what will happen in the world before the end times. Mark 13:35,  Jesus’ tell us as Christians and followers of Him,  “watch,” “be ready” do not let Him find you sleeping. I know that this is why I am here.

After the study we walked down to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was the night before He died on the cross. We were so fortunate because we got to go in the private garden entry; all the other tourists turned left and we went into a private entrance on the right. Instead of a Bible lesson Pastor Bob gave us 20 minutes to find a quite spot to contemplate what Jesus’ went through when He knew He was going to have to die on the cross to heal the sins of the world. He suggested we meditate on that and recommit ourselves to living for Jesus and not of the things of this world. Mathew 26. I have read this  passage before but this time sitting in the garden every word sunk into my heart.

Great day and now I have to get off to sleep. We have an early departure of 7:30.

It’s Day 8 today and we had an early outing to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount;, very interesting, and then on our own to do whatever we wanted.  We decide to go to the Museum of Israel to see the Dead Sea Scrolls that were discovered in Qumran in 1947. It was neat to see such ancient writings that were familiar biblically and so meaningful.  Tami and I are taking a rest in the room right now so we are downloading our pictures and getting caught up on emails. I didn’t get a chance to write about the Pools Of Bethesda and St. Ann’s Church last night but it was one of the most memorable places I have visited so far so I can’t help but journal the experience.

The Pools of Bethesda is also know as the pools of mercy because a great number of disabled people would lie here waiting to be healed. John 5: 6, Jesus asks a man that has been disabled for 38 years if he wanted to be healed. Jesus told the man to “get up and pick up his mat and walk.”  Pastor Mike gave us the message at the Pools and this is where God spoke so loudly to me about many situations in my life.  John 5: 3 speaks about the blind, the lame and the paralyzed.  This scripture was powerful to me not only for the message in my life but, for the eternal message for all our clients at New Start who are physically paralyzed. Until we ( independent of physical disabilities) seek truth we are spiritually blind and when we find truth we are lame, if our walk is not of Him but, of our own desires. And maybe the greatest of  disabilities is becoming spiritually paralyzed, we become fearful instead of trusting in the Lord’s eternal promises.

John 5: 6 Jesus initiates help to the man at the Pools of Bethesda and Pastor Mike passionately pointed out, that is exactly what God does in our lives on a daily basis. Before I committed my life to Jesus I had roadblocks in my life and the only way to break those roadblocks was to go harder with my strength and understanding. I never understood my Mom’s faith until I began a personal relationship with Jesus. Thanks Mom for praying for me all those years.  Being here is such a celebration of your answered prayers.

So many passages of scriptures during my visit to the Holy Land have come to life like never before. John 5: 14 Jesus sees the man who is healed and says “See you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse will happen.” Anytime there is an amazing work of healing  in our lives there is  a great step of faith to believe that it isn’t coincidence or random intervention it is Him working in our lives.

After, we finished our study and  Pastor Bob led us into St Ann’s Church to sing and worship. St. St. Ann’s Church is the only church perfectly preserved after the Roman conquering. The Romans fell in love with the beauty of the building  and spared it from ruin and  turned it into a place for Islamic studies.  There have been so many highlights of my tip to Israel but, singing in St. Ann’s was something that touched me so deeply that I felt like I was in heaven. The acoustics are indescribable. There was no music just our voices and the sound was like that of angels. Our group sang about 10 songs, different people breaking into a new worship song. I looked around and I saw that I wasn’t the only one that felt this presence each one of felt a slice of heaven this day. Wow, as I walked out I looked at the entrance to the church and it looked so familiar and then I realized it looked like the church where my mom grew up and later would get married. It was called St. Ann’s Church of the Rhondda Valley in Wales. One day I hope my Mom and Dad will visit this church together, it is the most beautiful place I have ever experienced in my life.

Last stop was the Via De La Rosa. To be honest I didn’t know anything about this until a friend told me about it before I came to Israel. David took us to the first 2 Gates only because the exact route that Jesus took as He walked toward the place He would be crucified is not what we read about in the Bible. I believe the Via De La Rosa came from the time of the Crusaders so it is a Catholic tradition and something that David said that we could walk on our own if we wished. Pastor Bob explained after we go onto the bus that nobody really knows for sure the exact location of Jesus’ barriel site but, for Christians it is not for us to know “where” but “why" Jesus died at Calvary on a cross for our sins and for this we are truly grateful.

It’s 2pm, Tami is snoring so I’m going to get a little rest before heading out for dinner.

I miss you too girls. I can’t wait to see you in a few days. Greggy keep emailing me, I love to get messages everyday. Mom, I hope you are feeling great and Dad, don’t let Annie get the best of you.
Thanks for holding down the fort. I love you
Thanks for all the great messages. I haven’t responded because my time so limited.

The girls at Ein Gedi

Steps of Western Wall

Street level where Jesus walked while teaching & healing

Excavation of the Wall and Roman Shrines

Lion's Gate 

Bible study at the Pools Of Bethesda

Tami praying in the Garden of Gethsemane

Beginning of the Via De La Roasa
Sarah, Pastor Steve & me at the
Steps of the Western Wall

Camel day, after a great lunch we rode into the sunset!

David Citadel Hotel
This place is unbelievable!

White stone graves below the Mt. Of Olives

Pastor Bob at the Garden Of Gesthemane

Gate Beautiful
This is the gate that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and scripture tells us
that Jesus will enter again through this Gate when He returns.
After the Muslim Shrine was built, the Arabs closed off this gate.

Check out the rainbow on this olive tree in the
Garden Of Gethsemane

Via De La Rosa

Tami & went over to the Muslim Temple and took this shot.
This is only open at select times. Very interesting

Shopping in the markets of Old Jerusalem

Our VIP entrance to the Garden

St. Ann's Church at the Pools of Bethesda